Веселин Манолов
Qualification description:
- 2007/until now – Acrobatics, Freerun, Breakdance
- 2007/until now – Break dance with X-Energy crew
Specialized in Flips and flexible Break Dance
- Bulgarian: Fluent
- English: Very good
Work history:
- “The mystery Eniovden” – Choreographer and director Neshka Robeva, 2014
- “Kupona” /The party, Eng. translation/ – Choreographer and director Neshka Robeva, 2011
- “Spomenut” / The memory, Eng. translation/ – Choreographer and director Neshka Robeva, 2009
- “Gotovi li ste?” / Are you ready?, Eng. translation/ – Choreographer and director neshka Robeva, 2004
- Concerts of famous artists – Rick Ross, Jennifer Lopez , DMX, Snoop Dogg.
Performances, festivals and concerts:
- Bulgaria searches for talents / the famous TV show/ – Performances with X-Nrg crew, Finalists of the show , 2012
- Bulgarian finals for the European song contest “ Eurovision “ – participated as a dancer in the years, 2007, 2008, 2011
- Winner at: Dupnica dance fest 2013,2014, best showcase 359 dance battle,.
- “Don’t sleep, walk” – break dance movie, directed and choreographed by X-Nrg crew, 2011
- Competed at many festivals in Slovenia-Break the floor 2014, Italy-, England- Fresh Factory 2014, Turkey ,Greece- BOTY 2007,Holland- IBE 2010,2011